The EFT Core Skills Training Program is an excellent opportunity to develop strong clinical skills in EFT within the safety of a small group. The training is held over four two-day segments. Enjoy a safe, collegial atmosphere to practice, share and risk with other like-minded therapists. If you are getting lost in this exciting EFT change process you will love Core Skills! Each training session will contain instruction, role playing, group exercises, and participants sharing video excerpts of their work with each other – multiple ways of applying EFT work according to the guidelines of the International Centre for Excellence in EFT. Each session provides twelve hours of training.
Session One: September 10 and 11, 2021 – Assessment
Session Two: November 19 and 20, 2021 – De-escalation
Session Three: January 28 and 29, 2022 – Withdrawer Re-engagement
Session Four: March 25 and 26, 2022 – Blamer Softening
Core Skills Training is open to all therapists who have taken an EFT Externship, have a case load of at least 2 -3 couples, and are willing to participate in role plays and to show a 10–15 minute segment from one of your couple therapy sessions to the group.
Session 1 focuses on using the EFT Tango in Stage 1, during assessment, alliance building, and identifying the basic negative interactive cycle. Particular attention is paid to empathic attunement.
Session 2 continues with the EFT Tango in Stage 1 of EFT with a focus on fostering the first change event: Stabilization (de-escalation). Attention is paid to formulating the cycle, and, accessing underlying emotion.
Session 3 focuses on using the EFT Tango in the Stage 2 Change event of withdrawer re-engagement.
Session 4 focuses on using the EFT Tango in the Stage 2 Change event of blamer (pursuer) softening. Stage 3 of EFT (Consolidation) is also addressed.
Session 5 (optional – not part of registration – for group to choose)
Extended opportunities for participants to present video cases, receive consultation and prepare for certification. Focus intently on an area or two that challenges you in applying the EFT model. Examine the attachment injury repair process.
Completion of Core Skills Training in EFT can contribute significantly to obtaining a certified EFT therapist designation. Check the website for further details.
Permission to Record Consultation Sessions (NC)
Permission to Record Consultation Sessions (Canada)
Agreement to Record for Consultation/Training
Case Presentation Outline